Living The Life
Heart Centered Life Coach
Are you living the life you always imagined you would?
If you’re like most of us, the answer is probably “no”. Very few people sit down and write out what their ideal life would look like. It would probably never cross their minds to do so. For most of us, life just seems to “happen”. We leave school, we go into a particular line of work, we make friends, we might meet someone special, we settle down, maybe get married and life just goes on from there. We just go with the flow and take each day as it comes. Our results one year are pretty much the same as the next. It’s probably fair to say that most people spend more time planning a weekend away than they do planning their life.
The problem with living like this is that we’re at the whim of whatever is happening around us. We’re not taking control of our life and then one day when we’re in our 50s, 60s or beyond we wake up and think “what happened? I thought life would be better by now”.
There are a small, a very small, select few who don’t live like this. They have taken the time to sit back and reflect on what it is they truly want out of life, in all areas of life and then gone out and achieved it. This can be you.
It won’t happen by magic though.
You don’t need to have studied at university for years and have a string of letters after your name. You don’t need to have been born into a wealthy family or know all the right people.
You do need to really want to change something, to have a burning desire for something different, something more. What is it that you really want?
Perhaps you don’t even know the answer to that. Perhaps that’s a question you’ve never asked yourself. That’s okay too.
If you are committed to changing something, if you’ve made a decision that something has to change and if you’re prepared to invest your time and energies into yourself, then I can show you how you too can live the life you’ve always imagined. It’s not rocket science, it’s actually very simple, BUT it’s not easy. It takes commitment.
If you’re committed to you, then I’m committed to helping you.
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My Life Experiences
The power to design a life you would love living and then bring that into your reality, comes from within.
Every person on this planet has a right to all the happiness, contentment and good health that they can imagine, but not every person will achieve it.
- Everything begins with your thinking. I will help you shift from thinking based on your current conditions, to thinking based on what you would love in your life.
- Everything required to live a life you love living is already within you. I am here to help you draw out those ideas, thoughts and inspiration so you can turn them into your reality.
- You are your own highest authority on all matters concerning you. Never forget this.
- This is an evocative coaching programme. I’m not here to tell you what to do, but to draw out of you what is already inside you.
- I bring my own lifetime experiences as a wife, mother, grandmother and many other roles in between.
- I have been an employee and I’ve been an employer. I’ve run family businesses, so I understand the complexities of both.
- I have studied with and been personally mentored by two giants of the personal development industry - Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey - and gained the benefit of their combined wisdom and personal experiences.